rabrown.freeshell.org - salvation

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Chris    /   Tenshi
Dan      /   Malcolm
John     /   Larune
Richard /   Jonas
Scott    /   DM
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Village Of Brightstone - New!!
Valley Of Salvation
Dhara's Grove
Next Game. // 01.31.2004 @ Scott's
The Demented Dead
Journal Five
By Larune Springwind

We returned to town for healing and rest after our encounter with the foul undead. While in town we decided to get some of our new items Identified. Tenshi and Grim spent a fair amount of coin and 16 hours. Instead of waiting out Ciwin and I went to get some cobbler and visit our friends at the Crock pot. We spent the night at Ciwin's fathers house. Ciwin spent some time creating four holy waters.

The next morning we returned to the trail of the undead, as we traveled deep into the forest every thing got dark and eerie, the first night and next day of travel were uneventful.

On the second night while on watch I was surprised several ghouls and a couple of ghasts They were able to come up on me undetected until the last second, I fired an arrow as they advanced and ran over and kicked Ciwin as I gave the alarm. Before Ciwin could act he was attacked by a ghast and paralyzed. Grim and Tenshi awoke and entered the fray, Grim hacked away at the foul undead and Tenshi went to work with his magic, I was able to prevent a ghoul from ending Ciwin while he was down, the battle raged for awhile with us killing 5 ghouls and a pair of ghasts, Ciwin awoke and turned the rest. One of the ghouls ran off into the night, and we were unable to pursue.

As we traveled on the third day the evil of the forest began to permeate or thoughts, and make us second-guess our actions, they took the hardest tool on poor Tenshi, who was starting to suffer from a little paranoia. We came up on an old Building on a hill the back side on a cliff, a large group of undead came up knocked on the door, and were invited in to join the masters party. We decided to go around back, the house was up a cliff like wall on the back side so Grim and I climbed up to balcony at the rear of the building and while I watched his back, he pulled up Ciwin and Tenshi. I listened at the door and heard the sounds of poorly played music, but not much else, after a brief debate about climbing to the roof and I checked the back door for traps. I did not find any, but Tenshi and Ciwin reminded me I had said this before ;)… The door opened into a dreary building with gray cold walls, The door keeper who was at the far end of the hallway spotted us and started shouting there were intruders in the house. Ciwin immediately called down a blessing from nature, and we would need all the help we could get in this foul place.

Ghouls and ghasts poured out of all the rooms and ran about the lower floors, battle was engaged both Tenshi and I were paralyzed in short order in among the ghouls and ghasts were some more vile creatures non corporeal, wights and a wraith. Ciwin called on the power of nature and turned many of the ghouls to dust and both wights fled at the sight of natures power. Eventually Tenshi and I came out of the paralysis to contribute to the fight and we were able to clear the halls of undead. After the battle we made a strategic retreat for the night to rest and recuperate, we were fortunate to have an uneventful night.

We returned to the old asylum and entered through the front this time, when we arrived in the main hall we were attacked by a pair of giant undead ettins. I tumbled in and got pounded hard by one of the ettins as Ciwin hit it with a searing light, then the other ettin pound poor Ciwin, the battle raged, Ciwin and Tenshi used there respective magics to defeat the ettins, but we were hurt badly again. However we decided to press on we went to one of the doors in the hallway, I checked it for traps and opened it, then it seemed as though I was loosing time, I would move than the group would suddenly move around, I would move among them normally and they would suddenly shift places again. With me in this condition, they later told me I was cursed and would just stop. We had to once again go out and camp.

We made a third foray into the old asylum and eventually made our way upstairs, We were exploring the upstairs and we came to a door, from behind which I heard what sounded like gibberish or dwarven I wasn’t sure. We opened the door and found four gibbering undead, they came through walls and when they touched Ciwin and Grim they drained them mentally!! We fought the allips and fended them off killing a couple but a couple got away as well, as they disappeared through the walls and floors. We continued to explore the upstairs, meeting several grim sights of torture and sadistic surgery from the past. We then made our way to the basement which was even more maze like we battled ghouls and shadows, we found a couple of closets full of skeletons, did battle with all sorts or undead, we eventually found a cavern, were several waves of undead came at us first 4 ghouls and 4 shadows, which we were fortunate to fight off, with Ciwin and Tenshi dealing magic and My calls to the nature god were being heeded with success in battle, unfortunately, Grim felt he did not need Natures help and mocked the god, he was not doing well in the fight. As we fought on I mocked grim asking if he was ready to accept Natures help, this angered him and normally he would have fought better, but I suppose he really did annoy nature because he continued to miss the incorporeal undead.

After defeating the first two groups of undead in the room we encountered the third, the master and his two helpers, it turns out the old necromancer had returned after all. After a hard fought victory in which we barely survived, we decided that should be about it, unfortunately we ran into more shadows, who drained the very strength of those they touched. We defeated them but now we were very weak, we decided to head out camp and rest and heal.

We went back in, and explored the house gathering up treasures as we went, we eventually came to a room, we had not entered earlier, and were surprised by three allips (guess we only got one earlier) they had been in the room healing at a rift of negative energy, we managed to defeat them and at the end of the battle Ciwin and Grim used some restorative magics to heal the Mental and Strength losses they had suffered.

We managed to close the portal gathered our treasures and left for home.